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#! /usr/local/bin/perl
## File:
## install.me (for man2html)
## Author:
## Earl Hood ehood@convex.com
## Description:
## Configurable installation program.
## Just edit the variables in the CONFIG section.
## To Do:
## o Add support for manpages to go in different section directories.
## Copyright (C) 1994 Earl Hood, ehood@convex.com
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package main;
## Begin CONFIG section
umask 022; # Set umask
## Set flags
$dobin = 1; # Set to 1 if exectuables to install
$dolib = 0; # Set to 1 if libraries to install
$dodoc = 1; # Set to 1 if documents to install
## Set default values
$bindir = '/usr/local/bin';
$libdir = '/usr/local/lib/perl';
$docdir = '/usr/local/lib/doc';
$perlprg = '/usr/local/bin/perl';
## Set files to install
$relbin = '.'; # Location of source bin files relative to install.me
@binfiles = (
$rellib = 'lib'; # Location of source lib files relative to install.me
@libfiles = (
$reldoc = 'doc'; # Location of source doc files relative to install.me
@docfiles = (
## Print intro text
print STDOUT <<EndofIntro;
man2html Installation
The installation process will ask you a series of questions on where
the Perl executable is and where to put man2html. Just hit <CR> to
accept the default values listed in ()'s.
## End CONFIG section
## Main routine
{ package uio;
@LastText = (); ## Cached text
$use_handler = 1; ## Flag to use private CONT signal handler
$ext_sigcont; ## External CONT handler
&print_note("Make sure all pathnames are absolute.");
## Get installation directories and path to Perl
while (1) {
$tmp = &prompt_user_def("Perl executable", $perlprg, 0, 1);
last if -x $tmp;
print STDERR "$tmp not executable\n";
$perlprg = $tmp;
if ($dobin) {
do {
$tmp = &prompt_user_def("Location to install programs",
$bindir, 0, 1);
} while (!&create_dir($tmp));
$bindir = $tmp;
if ($dolib) {
do {
$tmp = &prompt_user_def("Location to install libraries",
$libdir, 0, 1);
} while (!&create_dir($tmp));
$libdir = $tmp;
if ($dodoc) {
if (&ask_question("Install documentation", 1)) {
do {
$tmp = &prompt_user_def("Location to install docs",
$docdir, 0, 1);
} while (!&create_dir($tmp));
$docdir = $tmp;
} else {
$dodoc = 0;
$perlprg = "#! $perlprg\n";
$perlprg .= "unshift(\@INC, '$libdir');\n" if $dolib;
if ($dobin && @binfiles) {
print STDOUT "Installing the following into $bindir\n";
foreach $file (@binfiles) {
print STDOUT "\t", $file, "\n";
&cp("$relbin/$file", "$bindir/$file", $perlprg);
chmod 0755, "$bindir/$file";
if ($dolib && @libfiles) {
print STDOUT "Installing the following into $libdir\n";
foreach $file (@libfiles) {
print STDOUT "\t", $file, "\n";
&cp("$rellib/$file", "$libdir/$file");
if ($dodoc && @docfiles) {
print STDOUT "Installing the following into $docdir\n";
foreach $file (@docfiles) {
print STDOUT "\t", $file, "\n";
&cp("$reldoc/$file", "$docdir/$file");
exit 0;
## Main subroutines
sub create_dir {
local($d) = shift;
local(@a) = grep($_ ne '', split(/\//, $d));
local($path, $dir);
if ($d =~ /^\s*\//) {
$path = '';
} else {
$path = '.';
foreach $dir (@a) {
if (! -e "$path/$dir") {
if (!mkdir("$path/$dir", 0777)) {
print STDERR "Unable to create $path/$dir: $!\n";
return 0;
} elsif (! -d "$path/$dir") {
print STDERR "$dir is not a directory\n";
return 0;
$path .= '/' . $dir;
if (! -w $d) {
print STDERR "$d not writable\n";
return 0;
sub cp {
local($src, $dst, $prepend) = @_;
open(SRC, $src) || die "Unable to open $src: $!\n";
open(DST, "> $dst") || die "Unable to create $dst: $!\n";
if ($prepend) {
print DST $prepend;
print DST <SRC>;
package uio;
## The following routines are defined in this package. All routines
## work off of STDOUT.
## sub main'ask_question -- ask yes/no question
## sub main'do_num_menu -- autonumber menu items & print
## sub main'flush -- flush filehandle
## sub main'get_char_choice -- get char that is in list
## sub main'get_later_date -- Get date later than some date
## sub main'get_lc_string -- get string converted to lowercase
## sub main'get_string -- get string
## sub main'pause -- pause until <CR> hit
## sub main'print_error -- print error message
## sub main'print_info -- print information message
## sub main'print_menu -- print a menu to screen
## sub main'print_note -- print note message
## sub main'print_warning -- print warning message
## sub main'prompt_user -- prompt user for string
## sub main'prompt_user_def -- prompt_user() with default value
## Private routines.
## sub handler -- private SIGCONT handler
## sub print_message -- print typed message to screen
## sub print_txt -- print text and cache it
## sub reset_handler -- unregister handler()
## sub set_handler -- register handler()
## Notes:
## For the pause() and prompt_user*() routines, a signal handler
## is registered to handle the SIGCONT signal. This enables the
## routines to redisplay the prompt after the program has been
## suspended and continued while prompting the user for input.
## The handler has to redisplay the text, therefore the mentioned
## routines use the print_txt() for caching the prompt text.
## When the signal handler is registered, any existing handler for
## SIGCONT is stored and is called first before redisplaying the
## cached text. Uio's signal handler can be disabled if the
## variable $uio'use_handler is set to zero. By default, the
## value is one. More inforamtion is below in the various
## subroutine descriptions.
## Global variables ##
@LastText = (); ## Cached text
$use_handler = 1; ## Flag to use private CONT signal handler
$ext_sigcont; ## External CONT handler
## Private subroutine declerations ##
## print_txt() prints @_ to STDOUT. It also makes a copy of @_ to
## an array called @LastText. Any outside package can access it
## using uio'LastText. This is useful for redisplaying text
## after the program has been suspended and continued.
sub print_txt {
print STDOUT @_; @LastText = @_;
## This routine is used by print_{error, info, note, warning}
## routines to output an informitive message to STDOUT.
sub print_message {
local($type, $mesg) = ($_[0], join("", @_[1 .. $#_]));
local($head) = sprintf(" %9s", "$type ");
local($indent) = " " x 13;
local($i, $dashes, @array);
@array = split(/\n/, $mesg);
foreach (@array) { $i = length($_) if length($_) > $i; }
$dashes = " " x 4 . "-" x ($i+10);
$mesg = join("\n", @array);
$* = 1;
$mesg =~ s/\n/\n$indent/g;
$mesg = $head . $mesg;
print STDOUT "$dashes\n", "$mesg\n", "$dashes\n";
$* = 0;
## handler() is the private signal handler for the uio package.
## It's used to when SIGCONT is caught for redisplay cached text.
## The external handler is called if defined.
sub handler {
if ($ext_sigcont ne 'IGNORE' && $ext_sigcont ne 'DEFAULT' &&
$ext_sigcont ne "") { &$ext_sigcont(@_); }
print STDOUT @LastText;
push(@Redo, 1);
## set_handler() sets the private CONT signal handler.
sub set_handler {
return unless $use_handler;
$ext_sigcont = $SIG{'CONT'};
$SIG{'CONT'} = "uio'handler";
## reset_handler() restores the external handler
sub reset_handler {
return unless $use_handler;
$SIG{'CONT'} = $ext_sigcont;
## Public subroutine declerations ##
## print_menu() a tabular list of items in a "menu" type format. The
## list is printed in column major order.
## Parameters:
## $title : The title of the menu if not null.
## $cols : Number of columns in menu.
## $box : Boolean flag for drawing a box around menu.
## $sep : Separator string between columns.
## @menu_items : Array of menu items.
## In box mode the title appears above the box. Care must be taken
## in the number of columns chosen when menu items string lengths get
## long. This routine assumes there is plenty of screen space to
## print out the menu.
sub main'print_menu {
local($title, $cols, $box, $sep, @menu_items) = @_;
local($i, $j, $indent, $sp, $fmt, $lside, $rside);
$sp = " "; $indent = $sp x 8;
foreach (@menu_items) { $i = length($_) if length($_) > $i; }
$fmt = "%-${i}s";
$dashes = "-" x (($cols-1)*length($sep) + $cols*$i + 2);
$lines = ($#menu_items+1)/$cols;
$lines = ($lines == int($lines) ? $lines : int($lines)+1);
print STDOUT "$indent$title\n" if $title ne ""; ## Print $title
print STDOUT "$indent $dashes\n" if $box; ## Print top of box
$lside = ($box ? "| " : " ");
$rside = ($box ? " |\n" : " \n");
for ($i=0; $i < $lines; $i++) {
print STDOUT $indent, $lside;
for ($j=0; $j < $cols; $j++) {
print STDOUT sprintf($fmt, $menu_items[$i + $j*$lines]);
print STDOUT $sep if $j < $cols-1;
print STDOUT $rside;
print STDOUT "$indent $dashes\n" if $box;
## do_num_menu() automatically generates a numbered list of items
## for selection. The routine returns the string item that is
## selected. This routine also appends a "Other" option and
## if selected, will prompt for a user defined string.
sub main'do_num_menu {
local($title, $prompt, $isother, $otherprompt, $otherdef, $cols,
@array) = @_;
local(@menu_items) = @array;
local($i, $tmp);
## Prepend numbers to items ##
for ($i=0; $i <= $#menu_items; $i++) {
$menu_items[$i] = $i+1 . " = \"$menu_items[$i]\"";
## Add other selection if needed ##
push(@menu_items, $i+1 . " = Other") if $isother;
## Print menu ##
print STDOUT "\n$title:\n\n";
&'print_menu("", $cols, 0, " " x 5, @menu_items);
## Get selection ##
while (1) {
$tmp = &'prompt_user_def("\n$prompt", "1", 0, 0);
last if ($tmp >= 1 && $tmp <= $#menu_items+1);
&'print_error("Invalid selection -- $tmp");
## Determine selection ##
if ($isother && $tmp == $#menu_items+1) {
$tmp = &'prompt_user_def(" Other: $otherprompt", $otherdef, 1, 0);
else { $tmp = $array[$tmp-1]; }
## print_*() routines to print a message of type '*' to the screen.
sub main'print_error { &print_message("ERROR", @_); }
sub main'print_info { &print_message("Info:", @_); }
sub main'print_note { &print_message("Note:", @_); }
sub main'print_warning { &print_message("WARNING", @_); }
## Get string from STDIN and lowercase it.
## called "get_lc_string".
sub main'get_lc_string {
$tmp = <STDIN>;
while (shift(@Redo)) { $tmp = <STDIN>; }
chop $tmp;
$tmp =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
## Get string from STDIN.
sub main'get_string {
$tmp = <STDIN>;
while (shift(@Redo)) { $tmp = <STDIN>; }
chop $tmp;
## Pause output until CR is hit.
sub main'pause {
&print_txt("\nHit <CR> to continue ... ");
$tmp = <STDIN>;
while (shift(@Redo)) { $tmp = <STDIN>; }
## Prompt user for a string of input. This routine appends a "->"
## to the prompt string. All leading and trailing whitespaces are
## removed from the input string before returned.
sub main'prompt_user {
local($prompt, $nonnull, $return) = @_;
$prompt .= "\n" if $return;
$prompt .= " -> ";
while (1) {
$tmp = &'get_string();
&'print_error("Entry cannot be blank."), next
if $nonnull && $tmp =~ /^\s*$/;
$tmp =~ s/^\s*(.*[^\s])\s*$/\1/; ## strip beginning/trailing spaces
## Like prompt_user() but a default choice is given.
sub main'prompt_user_def {
local($prompt, $default, $nonnull, $return) = @_;
$prompt .= " (\"$default\")";
$prompt .= "\n" if $return;
$prompt .= " -> ";
while(1) {
$tmp = &'get_string();
$tmp = $default if $tmp =~ m/^\s*$/;
&'print_error("Entry cannot be blank."), next
if $nonnull && $tmp =~ /^\s*$/;
$tmp =~ s/^\s*(.*[^\s])\s*$/\1/;
## ask_question() asks a yes/no question. $default signifies the
## default response: 1 = yes, 0 = no. The default response and
## a '?' are appended to the prompt.
sub main'ask_question {
local($prompt, $default) = @_;
local($tmp, $ret);
if ($default) { $prompt .= " (\"y\")"; }
else { $prompt .= " (\"n\")"; };
while(1) {
&print_txt("$prompt? ");
$tmp = &'get_lc_string();
$ret = 1, last if ($tmp =~ /^\s*$/ && $default);
$ret = 0, last if ($tmp =~ /^\s*$/ && !$default);
$ret = 1, last if ($tmp =~ /^\s*y\s*$/ || $tmp =~ /^\s*yes*\s*$/);
$ret = 0, last if ($tmp =~ /^\s*n\s*$/ || $tmp =~ /^\s*no*\s*$/);
## get_char_choice() gets a single character response. Valid
## character responses are specified by @chars. A default can
## be specified by $default, and it is the choice if CR is hit.
## All whitespaces (except \r and \n) and non-specified chars
## are ignored. This function returns with choice when a valid
## character is hit. Character choices are case-insensitive.
## The terminal is put into raw mode for get_char_choice() to
## perform its task. Because of this, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, and
## SIGTERM are temporarily ignored until a valid character is
## hit. The original signal handlers are restored before the
## functions returns.
sub main'get_char_choice {
local($default, @chars) = @_;
local($in, $return);
local($choices) = join(" ", @chars);
$choices =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
local($sigint, $sigquit, $sigterm, $sigtstp) =
($SIG{'INT'}, $SIG{'QUIT'}, $SIG{'TERM'}, $SIG{'TSTP'});
system("stty raw -echo"); ## Set terminal in raw mode
while (1) {
$in = getc(STDIN);
$return = $default, last if $default ne "" &&
($in eq "\r" || $in eq "\n");
next if $in =~ /\s/;
$in =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$in =~ s/([\[\]\(\)\.\^\{\}\$\*\?\+\\\|])/\\\1/g;
$return = $in, last if $choices =~ /$in/;
system("stty -raw echo"); ## Restore terminal
print STDOUT "$return\n"; ## Output selection
$SIG{'INT'} = $sigint; ## Restore signal handler
$SIG{'QUIT'} = $sigquit; ## Restore signal handler
$SIG{'TERM'} = $sigterm; ## Restore signal handler
$SIG{'TSTP'} = $sigtstp; ## Restore signal handler
## flush() flushes the buffer of passed in filehandle. Copied from
## "flush.pl".
sub main'flush {
local($old) = select(shift);
$| = 1;
print "";
$| = 0;
## get_later_date() retrieves from STDIN a date later than the
## julian date $ljdate. $prompt is the user prompt and $default
## is the default response. This routine uses the julian date
## routines defined in "date.pl". "date.pl" must be required
## somewhere in the Perl program for this routine to work.
sub main'get_later_date {
local($prompt, $default, $ljdate) = @_;
local($tmp, $i, $m, $d, $y, $wd);
while (1) {
$tmp = &'prompt_user_def($prompt, $default, 1, 0);
if ($tmp !~ m!^(\d{1,2})[-/](\d{1,2})[-/](\d{2}|\d{4})$!) {
&'print_error("Incorrect date specification -- $tmp\n",
"Valid date formats: 02-28-94, 4/1/94, 12-25-1994.");
else {
$i = &'jday($1, $2, ($3 > 1900 ? $3 : "19".$3));
last if $i > $ljdate;
($m, $d, $y, $wd) = &'jdate($ljdate);
&'print_error("Date must be later than $m/$d/$y.");
1; ## end package